Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Turned Potatoes and Carrots Vlad's house is an IKEA house.
Honey Mustard Pork Chops 2 – 4 boneless pork chops, 12oz (350gr) total weight1/2 onion 1 tbs olive oil 1/2 cup chicken broth1/2 cup white wine1 tbs whole grain mustard1 tbs honey1 tbs sherry vinegar or cider, red wine Chop onion.
Carrrot and Ginger Soup THEY say, when life hands you lemons…… For those of you who are getting a certain, perverse entertainment rush out of the ongoing mess that is our life….
Egg Crepes with Leeks and Ham One of the many challenges we have, living in a foreign country, is adjusting to the local schedule.
Spinach and Chickpea Salad with Toasted Goat Cheese For those who are interested I have decided to give a pictorial update on our house restoration progress once a week.
Risotto with Pork and Avocado My mind has been in the toilet lately.
Veal Blanquette I have concluded, in my vast and intensive study of my fellow humans, that everyone has a 'thing' which, totally out of proportion to the rest of his or her lifestyle, is deemed not worthy of expense.
Duck Breast with Olives When I did the weekly shopping in the Vendée I knew I was living in France.
They say the phone is working.
Cannellini and Pasta Soup Like any country that suddenly finds itself prosperous, Andorra imported workers.
One of the things that has changed for me since leaving the U.
Burgers and Beans Another example of two people talking about different things together: Do you walk to school or carry your lunch? Mon mari was discharged from the hospital on Saturday morning.
Looking at houses has caused this brief meander down D.
We’re off house hunting again, 3 days this time.
When we first moved across the pond I used to have people ask me, worriedly, if I was able to get sour cream….
Pasta with Fresh Avocado Sauce We need to adjust our marriage.
Picnic Pasta Salad When one studies a language in school or a class, one studies it as it should be….
Brined and Grilled Cornish Hens I’ve had a crazy, busy week: my s-i-l flew over last Friday to help us pack….