Thyme for Cooking

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All recipes from "Meal" - page 102

Turned Potatoes and Carrots; Living Life the IKEA Way

Turned Potatoes and Carrots; Living Life the IKEA Way

Turned Potatoes and Carrots Vlad's house is an IKEA house.

Honey Mustard Pork; Menu of the Week

Honey Mustard Pork; Menu of the Week

Honey Mustard Pork Chops 2 – 4 boneless pork chops, 12oz (350gr) total weight1/2 onion 1 tbs olive oil 1/2 cup chicken broth1/2 cup white wine1 tbs whole grain mustard1 tbs honey1 tbs sherry vinegar or cider, red wine Chop onion.

Carrot and Ginger Soup; Making Lemonade

Carrot and Ginger Soup; Making Lemonade

Carrrot and Ginger Soup THEY say, when life hands you lemons…… For those of you who are getting a certain, perverse entertainment rush out of the ongoing mess that is our life….

Egg Crêpes with Leeks, Ham and Chevre; Lunch, Anyone?

Egg Crêpes with Leeks, Ham and Chevre; Lunch, Anyone?

Egg Crepes with Leeks and Ham One of the many challenges we have, living in a foreign country, is adjusting to the local schedule.

Warm Spinach and Chickpea Salad with Toasted Goat Cheese; Our house is a heavy house

Warm Spinach and Chickpea Salad with Toasted Goat Cheese; Our house is a heavy house

Spinach and Chickpea Salad with Toasted Goat Cheese For those who are interested I have decided to give a pictorial update on our house restoration progress once a week.

Risotto with Pork and Avocado; A word on toilets.....

Risotto with Pork and Avocado; A word on toilets.....

Risotto with Pork and Avocado My mind has been in the toilet lately.

Blanquette de Veau; Shopping Conundrums

Blanquette de Veau; Shopping Conundrums

Veal Blanquette I have concluded, in my vast and intensive study of my fellow humans, that everyone has a 'thing' which, totally out of proportion to the rest of his or her lifestyle, is deemed not worthy of expense.

Duck Breast with Olives; The English are Here!

Duck Breast with Olives; The English are Here!

Duck Breast with Olives When I did the weekly shopping in the Vendée I knew I was living in France.

Cannellini and Pasta Soup; Life Lessons and the Portuguese Level

Cannellini and Pasta Soup; Life Lessons and the Portuguese Level

Cannellini and Pasta Soup Like any country that suddenly finds itself prosperous, Andorra imported workers.

Stir-Fried Beef and Broccoli; No More Shopping!

Stir-Fried Beef and Broccoli; No More Shopping!

Stir-Fried Beef and Broccoli I'm sick of shopping.

Barbecued Salmon; The Weekly Menu Planner

Barbecued Salmon; The Weekly Menu Planner

One of the things that has changed for me since leaving the U.

Burgers & Beans; The saga continues: The Visiting Nurse

Burgers & Beans; The saga continues: The Visiting Nurse

Burgers and Beans Another example of two people talking about different things together: Do  you walk to school or carry your lunch? Mon mari was discharged from the hospital on Saturday morning.

Ginger Barbecue Sauce; The Weekly Menu Planner

Ginger Barbecue Sauce; The Weekly Menu Planner

Last week I shared my Barbecued Salmon recipe.

Roasted Pepper Pasta Salad; The Hot Pink Shower

Roasted Pepper Pasta Salad; The Hot Pink Shower

Looking at houses has caused this brief meander down D.

Life is Different Here: French Weddings; and Big, Stuffed Burgers!

Life is Different Here: French Weddings; and Big, Stuffed Burgers!

We’re off house hunting again, 3 days this time.

Tuna and Radish Salad; The Weekly Menu Plan

Tuna and Radish Salad; The Weekly Menu Plan

When we first moved across the pond I used to have people ask me, worriedly, if I was able to get sour cream….

Pasta with Fresh Avocado Sauce; Must Adjust Marriage.... Life it Still different

Pasta with Fresh Avocado Sauce; Must Adjust Marriage.... Life it Still different

Pasta with Fresh Avocado Sauce We need to adjust our marriage.

Picnic Pasta Salad; When the words don't work right....

Picnic Pasta Salad; When the words don't work right....

Picnic Pasta Salad When one studies a language in school or a class, one studies it as it should be….

Brined and Grilled Cornish Hens; The Weekly Menu Plan

Brined and Grilled Cornish Hens; The Weekly Menu Plan

Brined and Grilled Cornish Hens I’ve had a crazy, busy week: my s-i-l flew over last Friday to help us pack….

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