Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
When we lived in the Vendée we had over 100 rose bushes – only 1 planted by me and that because it was a gift.
What goes up must come down – or so the proverb would have us believe.
Until I actually started my own compost pile I thought compost was a smelly pile of garbage one kept behind the garage.
Nothing can strike fear into the hearts of a gardener like seeing a zucchini grow from 3 inches to 10 inches overnight.
The French may carry the whole idea of language purity a bit too far at times but at least they don't deliberately torture it.
Endive with Avocado Have I been time-traveling? Transported back to the 18th century? I have chilblains….
Tomato and Red Pepper Soup What are a few seeds in the face when one is finally sleeping in one's own house? Our house, like most old houses in the French countryside, used to be a farmhouse.
Veal Parmigiana My pack-rat little self is starting to feel secure again: I have food in the pantry.
Tuna and White Bean Enchiladas
Pasta with Spinach, Mushroom and Goat Cheese If I could be Alice in Wonderland, and slip through the Looking Glass, I would.
Split Peas with Bacon and Ham Karmic balance has been restored in my life.
Sausage and Artichoke Quiche Until I was in my twenties I thought all men could build houses.
Mushrooms Stuffed with Goat Cheese I just had a long, involved fight encounter with France Telecom/Orange.
Chicken Breasts Balsamic We got our windows in….
Avocado and White Bean Salad The differences in health care systems is a hot topic, rife with misinformation.