As long as I an in the US, visiting family and having a wee holiday, I thought I would entertain you by reprinting: The Saga of the Titre de Sejour, French Paperwork in 4-parts Part V June 9, 2006 We are now the proud holders of unexpired ‘Titre de.
Chard Leaves Stuffed with Sausage and Herbs, with a Pesto Rosso - Ricotta Sauce
Chard Spring Rolls: strips of phyllo wrapped around chard and bacon, then baked to a golden brown for an easy summer snack or first course
Did I mention that the chard is exploding? I was paying such close attention to the lettuces and spinach that I ignored the chard.
The last of the chard and first of the butternut squash add flavor and color to this easy skillet dinner
This time of year, with the potager in transition, we have a lot of combination dishes.