Cooking with Barry & Meta
There’s something about fall that makes me hungry for pumpkin .
While in KC this past weekend we bought all sorts of fall veggies from a farm stand.
This heritage recipe dates back to 1812 and comes from one of the fabulous Gourmet Get Away events that the Kansas 4-H Foundation spon.
My sister, Marla Newell Payne, made this tangy cranberry sauce one year for Thanksgiving.
Grandma Richardson’s relish trays almost always contained pickled peaches that were made from canned fruit.
It's simple but oh so good! Barry first had this sandwich in Taos and we've recreated it after Thanksgiving ever since.
One of the best things about Thanksgiving (besides the initial dinner plus the gathering of family and friends) is the leftovers.
I have a whole bookshelf of antique and vintage cookbooks plus promo recipe booklets that I’ve collected over the years, including my .
Gumdrop trees are a fun project for kids and they make great gifts, too.
These spicy little cookies are believed to have come to America with immigrants sometime in the 19th century.
This is the frosting I use to decorate cookies and cakes – it is the basic Wilton® recipe but I use all butter (they call for ½ cup .
“Cookies on Call” was the title of an article in the December 1982 issue of Woman’s Day magazine.